23 March 2023

23S week 3: Nurturing Your Spiritual Self


Focus: Ival Stratford Kovner
Click here to hear Ival's focus talk.

 Spirituality, Shekhinah Reflection

When I consider WomenExplore, I always recall with such a memorable sensation of a clear communal experience the day I spoke to this group in the Democracy Center.

Today I would dare to call this the presence of the “Shekhinah” within our group consciousness.   

 What would allow description when words tend to mute the actual experience? 

 I shared my Torah portion from my adult Bat Mitzvah wrapped in my tallit. 

For me, chanting Hebraic verses among others gathered  summons the Shekhinah.

I might further describe the Shekhinah’s presence as preventing panic and high tension in  near death situation.   Why was the shared glance towards one another so supportive and calming as a 7.1 earthquake struck Anchorage Alaska and we were ten stories above the street? 

Neither of us uttered any words.  I believe this was the Shekhinah in action.  

A sense of security filled the room in those moments.  

It was not an “ungodly” hour – it was our hour to find verify belief.  

Can the Shekhinah be experienced not within a communal experience?  

May Shekhinah intervene at other times? 

I burrowed down through exactly fifty years of time passing and  discovered another example. 

The Shekhinah was revealed in one split second as I was uninjured in a potentially horrific accident. 

The eight bicyclists who were struck and killed in New York City reminded me of the force of vehicles encountering bikes.  The terrorist was in court for sentencing recently.

We watched in Manhattan on Halloween, and cancelled trick or treating with our granddaughter – this had been her birthday. We hid the news from her and her younger brother – deciding to simply enjoy cake together.  

Had divine Shekhinah intervened, ever present, as a force pushing me away from certain injury and death?

Hearing Brandon Tsay recount his memory of an encounter with an armed gunman – had he felt the same push? 

I wish we’d gather all the “Go Brandon” shirts – whatever hideous message is conveyed in its reach – and add “TSAY” – on the bottom of the shirt. 


Ival Stratford Kovner, MS, MFA

Group consciousness may be felt

Encountered one by one

Within expressive, knowing eyes

Words shift, now we are nonverbal 

A rare otherness sensed

Name such moments,  Shekhinah ?

Consider Women Explore gatherings

Recall a memorable sensation

A clear communal experience

A shared communal wave

Dare to call this presence

The Shekhinah? 

How may words in each Focus

Convey a muted, transcended

Experience encased in memory.

Once I stood wrapped up in my tallit 

Chanting the tropes of antiquity

Shekhinah summoned in such actions.

Can we find the same presence

Locked within a couple’s eyes

As an earthquake rocked earth

One long moment they glance eternity

Husband, wife sharing mutual gaze,   

Securely safe,  wrapped in Shekhinah.

We know other scriptures describe

Miraculous visions of burning

Tongues descending down,

Upon disciples conveying knowledge

As eyes gaze in unison upward

Holy Ghost, Spirit, Shekhinah?

Evening mists descended a decade

Ago, December fourteenth, reporters

Whispered behind nearby sound trucks,   

A gurgling brook beneath foot bridge

Echoed loss here in Sandy Hook, 

Witnessing this palpable wail, Shekhinah.   

Small stuffed animals stood guard

As sentinels for the souls of children  

Echoes of communal loss, disbelief 

Hovered within darkness of night 

Damp night air hung thick with sorrow, 

Shrouded, Shekhinah wept.

Naming the mysterious warrants

Set limits, since sages caution

Study not mystery until decades

Of life pass, then bear witness

Search and recognize the mystery

Is this presence, Shekhinah?

Half century earlier in Central Square

A fast moving car careened towards

Me, straddling a half crossed street

On my bike. A miraculous nudge felt,   

I fell distant, avoiding being crushed 

Beneath the mangled bike, Shekhinah?

Can instant transcendence be noted 

As Brandon Tsay saw his last moments

On earth, then he sensed a tug and

Enabled, he tackled the gunman

Had Shekhinah intervened?


Let me share far more eloquent words written by

Rabbi Jill Hammer


The feminine image in Kabbalah

where Jewish mystics explored and extolled 

Feminine Aspects of the Divine:

Stepping through moments of creation

Shekhinah deepens her relationship  earth.

Spiraling through time, born within earth

She encounters change with each of us

We are shown the work of return

Repairing the world, through our actions.

Shekhinah also shelters within

Sacred places on the earth

Find protection within her wings.

Birthing the light, she kindles 

The fires of faith in the Divine

Offers strength in mortals.

She is the constancy of seasons 

And the world combined

She teaches her creatures not to fear

And shows them paths to move

Forward as she attends each moment

As laughter emerges in harmony. a

Suffering is given redemption

Powerless are freed from resignation.

Belief is instilled that all deserve a place.

The timeless is connected with world of time

Eternal,  sacred conversation endless.

It remains the lasting covenant.

She descends the mountain as a bride

Frailty and tragedy within her partner

For her spouse is the world, yet still

She shines in the shadows

And offers blessings for humans’ dark 

And uncertain journey.




"You Can't Have It All" from Bite Every Sorrow by Barbara Ras
Carrots and Other Poems by David Fedo

1 comment:

  1. Mark Twain Library, Redding, CT.
    Sharing “Shekinah” poem
